Sony's PS4 Outsells Microsoft's Xbox One for February

From DailyTech: Sony's PlayStation 4 pulled out another monthy sales win over Microsoft's Xbox One, although the gap is starting to narrow.

According to Xbox Wire, Microsoft sold 258,000 Xbox One consoles for the month of February. However, Sony sold around 287,000 PlayStation 4s according to market researchers NPD Group.

Overall hardware sales rose 42 percent year over year and 44 percent month over month. The top-selling games for February were "Call of Duty: Ghosts," "The Lego Movie Videogame," "NBA 2K14," "Thief" and "Grand Theft Auto V."

The PS4 ended up outselling the Xbox One in January as well, where journalist Geoff Keighley -- who spoke with PlayStation SVP Guy Longworth -- said PS4 sales in January nearly doubled the "nearest next gen competitor," which points to the Xbox One.

But the Xbox One was December 2013's winner with 908,000 consoles sold.

In mid-February, it was reported that Sony had sold 5.3 million PS4s globally since launch.

Sales of both consoles are being watched very closely, since many believe the months after the holiday season are more telling of which console wins the race rather than the November-December period, when everyone is spending anyway.

Both Microsoft and Sony released their respective consoles a week apart in November 2013, just in time for the holiday season.

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