Git 2.0 features better defaults and a kinder learning curve

From InfoWorld: Git 2.0, the latest release of the popular open source distributed version control system, debuted this week, featuring improved default settings and "low-impact" implementation.

Notice of version 2.0 was posted on the Linux kernel mailing list on Wednesday by Git maintainer Junio Hamano, and the release was noted in the Git Blame blog. "From the point of view of end-users who are totally new to Git, this release will give them the defaults that are vastly improved compared to the older versions, but at the same time, for existing users, this release is designed to be as low-impact as possible as long as they have been following recent releases along," Hamano said.

The 2.0 upgrade was described as "evolutionary" by RedMonk analyst Stephen O'Grady. "From the release notes, it looks as it's an evolutionary update rather than a revolutionary one -- which in this case is good," he said. "It fixes or optimizes some behaviors, notably the defaults for git push, which make more sense now, and tweaks some others. All in all, looks like a release focused not fixing what isn't broken and fixing what is."

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