Outlook Web App goes native on Android

From InfoWorld: Microsoft on Wednesday released a preview version of Outlook Web App (OWA) for Google's Android, fulfilling a promise made in March.

OWA for Android is a "native" app that reprises the in-browser OWA that corporate workers have long used on devices that don't support the full-fledged Outlook client or have that software installed.

The Android app -- like the iOS cousins Microsoft shipped in July 2013 -- offers the same functionality as OWA in a browser, letting users access email, calendars and contacts housed on a company's off-premises Exchange server.

According to Microsoft, the beta of OWA for Android requires a smartphone with a "small" or "normal" screen as defined by Google; Android 4.4, aka "KitKat" or later; and an Office 365 mailbox.

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