BlackBerry Unveils Upcoming Passport Smartphone with 4.5 1440x1440 Display

From DailyTech: BlackBerry’s smartphone sales have been in the dumps for quite some time, and the company is quickly headed toward zero percent market share if IDC’s analysis is to be believed. However, that isn’t stopping BlackBerry from unveiling two new smartphones to appease those still clinging onto the BB10 platform (we’re looking at you, CrackBerry fanatics).

The first device is the pretty run-of-the-mill “Classic” which brings up memories of old, popular BlackBerry smartphones like the Bold. However, the most intriguing new offering is the new “Passport”, which features a 4.5” square display with a resolution of 1440x1440. Below the odd little screen is a keyboard with just three rows of keys.

And that’s all we know at this time. No other specs, no release dates, no pricing. Zip, zilch, nada!

You can see more shots of both the Classic and the Passport over at CrackBerry.

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