Newegg Accepts Bitcoin as Form of Payment Via BitPay

From DailyTech: Atlanta, Georgia-based BitPay is already one of the biggest forces pushing legitimization of Bitcoin as a secure digital payment system. Nicknamed the "PayPal of Bitcoin" it provides easy to integrate APIs and apps to allow businesses to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment and for employees to ask to be paid in Bitcoin. In May it was backed by Virgin Group cofounder and chairman Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson and Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO) co-founder Jerry Yang, among others, in a $30M USD venture capital funding round.

Now it has its biggest online payment deal yet, with City of Industry, Calif.-based electronics e-tailer, Inc. The pair write:

[Newegg's] more than 25 million registered customers can now pay for more than 10.5 million products including electronics, computers, game consoles and household items using bitcoin through BitPay.

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