Samsung Reports Lower Smartphone Sales, Operating Profit Falls 25% YoY

From DailyTech: Yesterday, we got a look at how Samsung is performing in the current global smartphone market. IDC’s numbers for Q3 showed us that Samsung’s Q2 2014 shipments fell by 3.9 percent year-over-year (YoY) while its market share for Q2 2014 dipped to 25.2 percent compared to 32.3 percent for the same period last year.

While Samsung’s numbers were down, the overall market saw sales of 295.3 million units for Q2 2014 while sales were up 23.1 percent YoY.

With this background information, we have a little bit of insight into Samsung’s Q2 earnings. As a whole, the company made $6.07 billion in net profit on total revenue of $50.86 billion. Operating profit came in at $6.98 billion, which represented a 15 percent decrease from Q1 2014. More importantly, it was a 25 percent lower than the same period last year ($9.27 billion).

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