Samsung announces next-gen flagship smartphones

From InfoWorld: Samsung announced its next-generation flagship smartphones on Sunday as expected -- the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge running Android 6 (Marshmallow).

Both phones look strikingly similar to last year's models (the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge), but include features like a return to water resistance that was last seen in the Galaxy S5. The S7 has a 5.1-in. display while the S7 Edge features a 5.5-in curved display.

Samsung also included an "always on" display feature, similar to the LG G5, another smartphone that was also announced Sunday on the eve of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Samsung said both phones have proximity sensors that will know when a phone is in a pocket -- to be able to turn itself off -- or in a darkened room, to turn down the brightness.

With 4GB memory and powerful processors, Samsung estimated that both new phones operate 30 percent faster than previous models. Qualcomm will provide Snapdragon 820 processors for the models sold in the U.S., while phones sold in the rest of the world will use Samsung processors.

There are a slew of other improvements, like a bump in battery power to 3000mAh in the S7 and 3600mAh in the S7 Edge. The batteries can be charged halfway in just 30 minutes, and wireless charging is enabled.

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