Total War spins off Saga series focused on smaller 'powder-keg' moments in history

From PC World: How much Total War is too much? It seems like Creative Assembly’s determined to discover the answer, today announcing yet another spin-off of the strategy series. In addition to the mainline historical Total War and the fantastical Total Warhammer, we’ll now see A Total War Saga games.

And soon. While Total Warhammer 2 releases this fall, the first A Total War Saga game will release “before the next major historical release in the franchise,” as this press release puts it. Sometime next year, probably.

So what is A Total War Saga? I’ll let Creative Assembly’s Jack Lusted give you the short of it. From today's announcement:

“There are key, pivotal points in history which don’t necessarily revolve around a single character, and only lasted a few months or few decades at most. Such moments also tend to be constrained to a tight geographic area as well.

These moments are perfect fuel for Total War. They’re a powder keg, where anything can happen and history could have gone in any direction. So, Total War Saga games will be the same mix of turn-based campaign strategy, real-time battle tactics and hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay as a regular Total War game, but focused down on a distinct moment.”

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