Verizon Solves Third 4G Issue This Month

From PC World: Verizon on Thursday said its third 4G network problem this month was resolved over night.

Via Twitter, the operator said that its 3G network operated normally during the issue so that customers could still make phone calls and send and receive text messages.

Some customers, however, reported having trouble getting any connections on their phones. "Verizon's 1 year 4G LTE anniversary present to its customers. Now for the third time. No 3G or 4G in Phoenix," one person wrote on Verizon's user forum on Wednesday afternoon.

It was the third time in December that the operator reported having problems with its 4G network. On December 8, it said it had "issues" in the morning that prevented users from accessing 4G data services. Then on the 21st it announced that its services returned to normal after its network operations team resolved a technical issue. Customers in each of the cases complained online about trouble using data and sometimes voice services.

The operator did not immediately reply to a request for comment about what caused the outages or if the issues were related.

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