Google: 850 Thousand of New Android Devices Activated Daily

From X-bit Labs: Google Android operating system continues to set records, according to the company's findings. Approximately 850 thousand of new Android-powered devices are activated around the globe every day, which is well over than the number of new Apple iOS devices turned daily, but lower than the amount of new Windows-based personal computers bought every day.

"With a year-on-year growth rate of more than 250%, 850 thousand of new Android devices are activated each day, jetting the total number of Android devices around the world past 300 million," said Andy Rubin, senior vice president of mobile and content at Google.

With 850 thousand of Android devices activated daily, Google is clear ahead of Apple, which activated around 583 thousand of iOS smartphones and tablets every day in Q4 2011. Google Android clearly offers broader family of devices: over 800 different models have been introduced to date, compared to less than 20 models with iOS.

The vast majority of Google Android-based devices are smartphones and only 12 million of Android gadgets are tablets. Apparently, Google and device manufacturers yet have to polish the operating system itself, software and devices for tablets before Android will be able to compete head to head with Apple iPad media tablet.

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