Intel CEO Points to Legacy Drawbacks for Windows 8 on ARM

From DailyTech: Intel CEO Paul Otellini is certainly feeling a bit of heat as ARM processor architecture is set to come into Intel's traditional market of notebooks running Windows and compete head-to-head. Intel has been unable to compete directly against ARM in the mobile market for smartphones and tablets due to the higher power consumption of Intel chips. That is changing, however, with Intel "Medfield"-based smartphones coming to market.

Otellini was addressing a group of investors at Intel's investor day this week and took the time to throw stones at ARM platforms running Windows RT.

"There's been a lot of debate that [Windows 8] is going to be a real entree for the ARM camp into Windows for the first time," said Otellini. "While at face value, that's true...[but] I think they have a big uphill fight."

During the meeting, Intel showed off a new ultrabook with a touchscreen that was running Windows 8. The demonstration showed how the machine could be changed between the new touch centric Metro mode and a classic mode with the keyboard and mouse for control called legacy mode.

"With one button you can get to legacy mode...this is critically important for CIOs who want to preserve all of their investments in software," he said. "We have the advantage of the incumbency, advantage of the legacy support. Not just in terms of applications but devices."

Otellini also said that Windows 8 on ARM lacks corporate enterprise readiness which will further limit it's appeal.

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