Sony Xperia Tablet Features Microsoft Surface-Like Keyboard Cover: Report

From eWeek: Images of a Sony Xperia Tablet, said to be from leaked internal Sony documents, show a considerably slimmed-down tablet with a keyboard-cover that flatters the Microsoft Surface.

The Apple iPad has inspired an industry full of copy cat devices. Microsoft's Surface tablet, however, features a design that so notably stands apart that now it, too, has been honored with the highest form of flattery.

The Verge, via the German news site Mobiflip, has posted documents said to be leaked from an internal Sony slideshow. The documents show an Xperia Tablet, a follow-up to the Sony Tablet S. While both tablets feature Sony's unique folded-magazine design, the new tablet has been paired with a keyboard-slash-cover that's a close cousin of the keyboard cover Microsoft showed off for its Surface tablets.

Setting them apart, the patent lawyers may be quick to point out, is the folding nature of the Sony's cover, which steps in for the kickstand on the Surface.

A caption on the purportedly leaked slide, likely not written by an English major, notes, "A slim and lightweight stylish cover to protect the screen and enhances customer's productivity with a built-in keyboard."

It's important, a second caption adds, to showcase the tablet with the keyboard case "at retail to attach rates."

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