That didn't take long: iOS 6 already jailbroken

From CNET Less than a day after iOS 6 was made available, Apple's mobile operating system has been jailbroken.

The iPhone Dev-Team -- a group of hackers who target Apple products and who do not work for the company -- is reporting today that its Redsn0w tethered jailbreak will work with Apple's iOS 6. However, according to Redmond Pie, which was first to report on the news, only the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and fourth-generation iPod Touch will work with the jailbreak.

That iOS 6 was jailbroken already shouldn't come as a surprise. Dating all the way back to iOS 4, hackers have been able to jailbreak Apple's operating system less than a day after its launch. Last year, in fact, they took aim at the iOS 5 beta release, and jailbroke it in hours.

Apple's iOS 6, which comes with over 200 improvements, launched yesterday as an over-the-air update. The operating system is also running on Apple's iPhone 5, which is slated to hit store shelves tomorrow.

Apple has frowned on jailbreaking in the past, saying that the practice can cause instability in the operating system and potentially put it at risk of security problems. For jailbreakers, however, the practice is a great way to get applications onto the device that aren't available in Apple's App Store.

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