New Xbox 360 Holiday Bundles On the Way

From DailyTech: As the holiday season approaches, we can expect to see more and more competitively-priced video game bundles to attract customers -- and next up is the Xbox 360.

There will be three new Xbox 360 bundles available in stores this holiday season, which include both the console and different games, but only two offer Kinect as well.

The bundles are as follows:

250GB Xbox 360: A 250GB Xbox 360 console with "Skyrim" and "Forza 4 Essentials Edition" as well as one month of Xbox LIVE Gold for $299.99 USD.

250GB Xbox 360 with Kinect: A 250GB Xbox 360 console, Kinect, "Dance Central 2," "Kinect Sports," "Kinect Adventures" and one month of Xbox 360 LIVE Gold for $399.99 USD.

4GB Xbox 360 with Kinect: A 4GB Xbox 360 console with Kinect, "Kinect Disneyland Adventures," "Kinect Adventures" and one month of Xbox LIVE Gold for $299.99 USD.

In addition, all three bundles include one free month of Hulu Plus and EPIX. All bundles are also eligible for a $50-off promotion.

All three bundles will be available at GameStop, Best Buy, Target, Amazon, Toys 'R Us and Wal-Mart. It was not mentioned when these bundles would hit stores.

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