Sony tweaks PlayStation Vita with latest update

From CNET Owners of Sony's PS Vita will find at least one cool new feature in the console's latest update.

Released on Tuesday, the Vita software update version 2.60 lets you play games and other content from a PS3 console or a computer without having to copy those items to the Vita. To access this feature, simply select the connected device from a list of categories and then choose the content you wish to play. Grabbing media from a PC or Mac requires you to first download and install Sony's Content Manager Assistant for PlayStation software.

You should now find it easier to upload or download saved data via the PlayStation Network servers, according to Sony. You can now customize the console's home screen through the Vita's system buttons. And finally, you'll discover new ways to control certain browser and video settings.

Vita owners can install the update via Wi-Fi or by connecting the console to a PS3 or computer.

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