Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12 Review (Page 4 of 4)

Page 4 - Conclusion

When looking at the Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12, you find what is essential in a fan, being the ability to move air. With that, the minimalistic aesthetic is definitely a choice some users may opt for, but it also really is not that special. The design is not what sets the SWAFAN GT12 aside from its competitors, rather it is the ability to adapt to its own niche environment. Whether you want to have a fan that is optimized for air pressure or airflow, the SWAFAN GT12 will satisfy your needs with its swappable fan blade design. With the use of three different sets of blades, the SWAFAN GT12 is one of the most versatile fans you can get. Swapping the fan blades is incredibly easy and does not require much effort. The swappable design is nice, but it is also backed with great performance. The tests indicated good airflow and pressure no matter which set of blades you used. The noise was quite good too, outputting a low amount of noise given its specifications. I did not find the fan to be too loud, which is excellent. All in all, the performance and versatility are definitely nice to have. Currently, the Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12 sells for about $30 USD for a single fan, which is on the pricier side of non-RGB fans. You may debate whether having swappable blades is really necessary compared to buying something that is already designed for the specific application in the first place, but if you are looking for a good performing fan with lots of flexibility in its blade options and do not mind paying a little bit more money, the innovative Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12 is an excellent choice.

Thermaltake provided this product to APH Networks for the purpose of evaluation.

APH Networks Review Focus Summary:
8/10 means Definitely a very good product with drawbacks that are not likely going to matter to the end user.
7/10 means Great product with many advantages and certain insignificant drawbacks, but should be considered before purchasing.
-- Final APH Networks Numeric Rating is 7.2/10
Please note that the APH Networks Numeric Rating system is based off our proprietary guidelines in the Review Focus, and should not be compared to other publications.

The Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12 cooling fan offers great performance with a minimalistic design and swappable blades for all usage scenarios.

Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. Physical Look - Hardware; Installation
3. Test Results
4. Conclusion