Google opens up VP8 for Web video tweaks

From CNET One month after releasing its open-source, royalty-free VP8 video compression technology, the company already is working on significant revisions to the technology.

VP8, combined with the Vorbis audio technology, form the WebM codec with which Google is trying to...

Report: Facebook 09 revenue near $800 million

From CNET Social-networking powerhouse Facebook saw its revenue climb as high as $800 million in 2009, $100 million more than previously estimated, according to a media report.

The Reuters news agency reported the higher revenue, citing unnamed sources. One of those same...

HTC Tries to Kill Top Android ROM Site

From DailyTech: Apple is well known for its battles against George Hotz, the iPhone Dev Team, and legions of other iPhone hackers. By contrast Android's team members -- Google and hardware partners (HTC, Motorola, Samsung, etc.) have taken a much more hands off approach, even as...

Verizon May Introduce Tiered Pricing

From PC World: Verizon may follow in AT&T's footsteps and introduce tiered, limited data plans this year, Businessweek reports.

Businessweek spoke with John Killian, chief financial officer of Verizon Communications Inc., on Thursday. Killian suggested that Verizon might move from...

Apple quietly adds anti-malware in Snow Leopard update

From CNET In the latest update to Snow Leopard, Apple included software to protect Mac computers from a Trojan horse that has been distributed by attackers disguised as iPhoto, but which opens a back door on the machine, security firm Sophos said on Friday.

When Apple...

Microsoft to add yet another smartphone OS this year

From InfoWorld: Microsoft will release a new mobile OS for enterprise handheld devices later this year, the company said Thursday. The Windows Embedded Handheld OS will come out later this year and be based on the Windows Mobile 6.5 technology, said David Kelley, product unit manager...

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