Microsoft links security guidelines to agile development

From InfoWorld: Microsoft on Tuesday released a template for applying its Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) methodology to agile software development projects built with the Visual Studio development environment.

The downloadable template, offered in a beta release, enables developers to apply SDL to the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) for Agile Software Development process.

"The MSF for Agile Software Development plus SDL Process Template for Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2008 lets developers integrate the SDL-Agile secure development methodology directly into the Visual Studio development environment," a Microsoft representative said in an email.

The MSF+Agile+SDL template lets code checked into the VSTS source repository be analyzed to ensure it complies with SDL secure development practices. Workflow tracking items are created for manual SDL processes such as threat modeling to ensure that security activities are not accidentally skipped or forgotten, according to Microsoft.

A beta template applying the agile and SDL process to the Visual Studio 2010 software development process will be offered shortly after the platform is released in April. Final releases of both templates are due in the second quarter of this year.

Microsoft also is offering a white paper that explains how SDL can be implemented with limited resources and applied to other platforms.

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