Seagate takes on SSDs with super-slim 2TB hard drive for ultrabooks

From PC World: Seagate has managed to squeeze two terabytes into the 7mm, 2.5-inch form factor used by some ultrabooks, continuing the increase in portable storage capacity.

Seagate claims that its drive is the first of its kind. The company competes with Western Digital, the market leader in terms of unit sales, which also ships 2TB drives, but at much larger 15mm Z-heights. WD ships a 1TB, 9.5mm mobile hard drive, as well.

Seagate already sells a 2TB, 2.5-inch drive in the more common 9mm Z-height, which describes the thickness of the drive. The advantage of the thinner 7mm hard drive is that it can be built into thinner notebooks, including ultrabooks, where solid-state drives (SSDs) compete with hard drives as a storage option. A thinner drive buys space that can be used for additional cooling, a larger battery, or other options.

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