Apple's "Hot" iPad is Overheating, Wi-Fi Not Working for Some Users

From DailyTech: As they say, "the Apple seldom falls far from the tree." The hot iPad tablet computer-cum-eBook reader, which many are calling a "jumbo iPhone" is a hot seller, much like its diminutive phone sidekick. However, it also reportedly is experiencing similar problems to that device -- overheating in the sun.

Among the first to report that the iPad was overheating when exposed to spring sunlight was PC Magazine editor Zach Honig who Twittered that he had received an error message "iPad needs to cool down before you can use it", while playing with the device in New York City. He had to put the insubordinate unit in the fridge to cool it back down enough to resume operation. Other publications, such as The Atlantic, cite numerous customers complaining of similar issues.

The iPad reportedly has an operating temperature of 32 degrees to 95 degrees F (0 to 35 degrees Celsius). When the device heats up to over 113 degrees F it reportedly shuts off to protect itself. Unfortunately, the tightly packaged electronics can't dissipate heat that well and the sun is enough to tip the scales and trigger a temporary iPad death.

Apple has not yet responded on the issue of overheating.

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