Verizon LTE Coming to 30 NFL Cities by Year's End

From DailyTech: Verizon is well on its way to start opening up its next generation 4G wireless service by the end of 2010. According to eWeek, Verizon plans to have its LTE network up and running in 30 "NFL Cities" by year's end -- in total, 100 million customers will be covered.

In preparation for the rollout, Verizon will be using IPv6 and upgrading its cell sites to Gigabit Ethernet to provide the necessary bandwidth to accommodate the increased data speeds provided by LTE. In Verizon's case, download speeds will range from 5 Mbps to 12 Mbps. Upload speeds will come in at 2 Mbps to 5 Mbps. In addition, latency for users will range from 30 ms to 150 ms.

For those keeping score, Verizon has already begun LTE user trials in five cities. Also, the company has announced plans to build out its LTE network in rural areas. Rural customers have long been an underserved segment of the population when it comes to wired and mobile broadband connectivity.

By the end of 2012, Verizon hopes to put its $100 billion USD investment in its data network (since 2000) to good use by reaching roughly 200 million customers. By 2013, the company wants to reach roughly 90 percent of the U.S. population.

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