Apple acquisition could give iPhone face recognition

From InfoWorld: Apple could be preparing to enhance the iPhone's image search and video calling capabilities, or even add face authentication to the iPhone, say analysts and software usability experts.

The iPhone manufacturer is buying Swedish face recognition software company Polar Rose, and if the deal hasn't already closed then it is about to, according to a report by Computer Sweden.

Polar Rose CEO Carl Silbersky declined to comment on the deal, while Apple would neither confirm nor deny the acquisition. Apple "buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not comment on our purpose or plans," a company representative said via e-mail.

Analyst Ben Wood sees the move as a logical one for Apple.

"The acquisition reflects Apple's ambition to turn the mobile phone into the hub of your life, and this will give that another dimension," said Wood, director of research at CCS Insight.

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