Marvell Unleashes 1.5 GHz Triple-Core Mobile Processor

From DailyTech: While dual-core smartphones have been touted as the wave of the near-future by companies like Samsung and LG, chip manufacturer Marvell has leapfrogged the others with the announcement of the world's first tri-core processor.

The Armada 628 is an "ultra-low power, ultra-high performance" 1.5 GHz three-core processor that is the "first to feature 3D graphics performance with quad unified shaders for 200 million triangles per second delivered on mobile devices," Marvell announced in a press release this morning.

The holy trinity of the Armada is made of two symmetric multiprocessing cores with a third, ultra low-power core that is designed for routine tasks. The third core acts as a system manager "to monitor and dynamically scale power and performance."

The Armada 628 is also the first to incorporate a System-on-a-Chip (SoC) design with three ARM cores and six additional processing engines, totaling nine dedicated core functions. It can deliver dual stream, 1080p 3D video on mobile devices without expensing much battery life. In fact, an Armada-equipped smartphone would be able to play 10 hours straight of 1080p HD video or 140 hours of music on a single charge.

"Marvell's groundbreaking tri-core architecture is a unique solution to a long-time problem—how to achieve enterprise performance without breaking the limited power budget of smartphones, tablets and other mobile consumer devices," said analyst Linley Gwennap in the press release.

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