Amazon to Launch Android App Store -- and Tablet, Too?

From PC World: Amazon will launch its own Android app store, challenging Google's official app collection, according to TechCrunch. The site uncovered uncovered details about how the store will function, including developer royalties, DRM and a pricing structure. A source also hinted that Amazon is working on building its own tablet computer. Here's a closer look:

TechCrunch also pointed out some curious language in its report: "[Amazon has] sole discretion to determine all features and operations of this program and to set the retail price and other terms on which we sell Apps." Engadget presumes this language means "that pricing is [Amazon's] call -- not yours -- and they've got some say in how your app's going to work and what it's going to do." If Engadget's analysis is correct, this stipulation is guaranteed to anger many developers.

Amazon's plans come right on the heels of Verizon preparing its own V CAST Android app store -- a direct affront to Google. Google CEO Eric Schmidt is expected to speak today at TechCrunch Disrupt at 10am PT (1pm EST). Perhaps he'll say something ridiculous about this newfound throng of app competitors. On the other hand, this onslaught of Android apps, available through multiple vendors, can only help the platform build its ranks and compete against Apple.

The same source who leaked Amazon's Android app store also mentioned Amazon's plans to build its own tablet computer and unveil it alongside the app store. Details are scarce on the Amazon tablet, but TechCrunch is confident that because the source is the same one who confirmed the app store, the tablet rumor is likely true.

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