Galaxy S Begins Receiving Froyo Update

From DailyTech: Before even launching the Galaxy S line of Android smartphones, Samsung promised consumers that they would receive Froyo at some point on the devices. According to reports from BriefMobile, the beginning of that reality is underway.

A number of users of the Galaxy S I9000 have reported receiving an official Android 2.2 update for their devices through Samsung's update program -- Samsung Kies. There's a catch, though. So far, the update appears to only be available in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. So if you've got an AT&T Captivate, a T-Mobile Vibrant, a Sprint Epic 4G, or a Verizon Fascinate, it's still going to be a little while.

As a reminder, here's what you're waiting for from Froyo for the Galaxy S:

* Android 2.2 JIT compiler
* Adobe Flash Player 10.1 compatibility
* New Android Market with auto-updating
* Speed improvements
* Pinch-to-zoom homescreen flyover
* Improved default keyboard
* Quick links to “GPS” and “Auto rotation” toggles on notification bar added
* Slightly different graphics and transitions with app drawer and default icon dock
* Colored icons in settings
* GPS Fix
* Colored settings icons
* Media Hub
* Darker menu theme, navy blue color
* Better Exchange support
* Video records in MP4 format
* New Search widget
* New Gmail application

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