Apple Introduces OS X 10.7, Mac App Store, 11.6/13.3 MacBook Airs

From DailyTech: Apple introduced FaceTime with the iPhone 4, then later brought it to the iPod touch (fourth generation). Now, Apple is adding FaceTime calling to the Mac platform which will allow you to make video calls to both iPhone 4 and iPod touch users. It's a pretty simple software addition to the OS X that will be made available today in beta form.

For today's “entree” as Steve Jobs described, he next jumped into OS X 10.7, “Lion”. Steve Jobs describes Lion as incorporating the best features of iOS which is used on the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Some of the features that Steve Jobs highlighted from iOS include:

* Multi-touch gestures
* App Store
* App Home screens
* Full screen apps
* Auto save
* App resume when launched

Next, the App Store is being brought to the OS X platform with one-click download, free and paid apps, automatic installs, automatic app updates, and apps will be licensed to use on all of your personal Mac computers.

Apple plans to release Lion in Summer 2011. However, the Mac App Store will open within 90 days from today for the Snow Leopard platform. App submissions will begin in November.

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