Report: iOS 4.3 Coming Before Christmas

From DailyTech: Though iOS 4.2.1 just began rolling out earlier this week, reports are emerging that Apple is already planning another update, iOS 4.3, for mid-December.

The new update is closely linked with the rumored launch of Rupert Murdoch's new pet-project, an iPad-only newspaper called The Daily. Here's what Murdoch, CEO of News Corp., told Fox Business (a News Corp. subsidiary):

"News Corp. has spent the last three months assembling a newsroom that will soon be about 100 staffers strong. The Daily will launch in beta mode sometime around Christmas, and will be introduced to the public on the iPad and other tablet devices in early 2011. It is expected to cost 99 cents a week, or about $4.25 a month. It will come out — as the name suggests — seven days a week."

According to DaringFireball, the 99-cent weekly (or $4.25 monthly) charge will be billed directly through iTunes, without a central "iNews"-type app. Subscription-based charging, obviously, would be required. However, this functionality is not present on even the iOS 4.2.

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