Apple Holds Secret Meeting at Retail Locations About New Service

From DailyTech: Apple's retail profits are soaring, but the company isn't completely satisfied with its performance. It's looking to move aggressively to try to beef up profits, and it's leveraging its Genius Bar to do that. Genius Bar is Apple's in-store service center, which contains tech members similar to Best Buy's "Geek Squad".

According to Apple leaks site 9 to 5 Mac, Apple has been holding secret meetings this week at its Retail stores, prepping employees for the rollout and sale pitch on a new service, dubbed "Joint Venture".

Under the "Joint Venture" plan, customers would pay $499 USD per year for various Genius Bar perks for up to five machines. Each additional machine would cost $99 USD extra a year (no discount, eh?).

Provided perks include Genius Bar remote call support and in-store priority access. Another perk reportedly will be loaner 15-inch MacBook Pros during repairs which take longer than 24 hours.

For paying participants, Apple will reportedly hold special business-geared workshops looking at helping customers increase productivity. These workshops will only be free to Joint Venture members. Members will also receive free setup services for their business installation, including configuring Microsoft Exchange and transferring data from old machines.

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