GameStop Looks to Develop Its Own Tablet for Gaming

From DailyTech: The Apple iPad could soon have competition from an unlikely source. In addition to announcing the launch of its own store on Facebook yesterday, the video game retailer, GameStop is considering developing its own gaming tablet in the very near future.

"If we can work with our partners and the OEMs and they come up with a great tablet that is enabled with a great gaming experience and coupled with a Bluetooth controller, then there's no need to go out and develop our own. But if we can't find one that's great for gaming, then we will create our own," said GameStop president, Tony Bartek.

Earlier this week, the company announced that it had just purchased the digital service Impulse and game streaming service Spawn labs. They have plans to create a gaming tablet that would let customers try any game before buying it, and without having to download or install a demo.

According to Bartek, customers are beginning to consume games, both physically and digitally in a hybrid manner and the company is adapting accordingly.

"Both of these programs are designed to sell more of the games we sell today," said Bartek.

The company speculates that people are becoming frustrated with the current gaming set-up with Apple and Android devices.

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