Apple Discontinues Several Boxed Software Products, Pushes Mac App Store

From DailyTech: Apple announced today that it will discontinue selling many boxed software products, and instead, encourage use of the Mac App Store for software purchases like Jam Packs for GarageBand and Aperture 3 according to Apple Insider.

The Mac App Store launched January 6, 2011, and was set to eventually replace the need for boxed software in retail stores. With software being less profitable than gadgets like the iPhone or iPad, Apple didn't want boxed software to take up shelf space in its stores anymore.

Now, Apple has sent a notification to resellers letting them know that boxed software is seeing its final days. While Apple isn't putting an end to all boxed software, its getting rid of a large amount. For instance, the number of boxed games available at its stores has dwindled from 32 to eight. These games are still available, but in the Mac App Store only.

Even devices like scanners and printers are getting the boot from store shelves, but unlike certain boxed software, the printers and scanners will still be available in-store if a customer requests them.

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