Apple Grabs Top Spot in Mobile Computer Shipments Thanks to iPad

From DailyTech: Apple is flying high thanks to very successful products like the iPad and the iPhone. These products are selling in droves and are a huge part of the reason the Apple is so financially stable. The latest numbers from DisplaySearch are in and Apple has ousted HP from the top spot in market share.

It’s worth noting right up front that DisplaySearch is adding the iPad in with Apple’s computers to get the numbers. According to the research firm, Apple shipped over 13.5 million mobile PCs in Q2 2011. That works out to a 136% YoY growth rate and puts Apple ahead of HP. Apples market share was 21.1% and HP's share is 15%. HP shipped 9.7 million units. Shipments of the Apple iPad alone were 10.7 million.

Overall, tablet shipments are helping the computer industry. Shipments of tablet PCs were up almost 70% from Q1 2011 and up over 400% from Q2 2010. Almost 16.4 million tablets shipped over all in Q2. Notebook shipments were down 2% compared to Q1 2011, but they were up 2% from Q2 2010. Global mobile computer shipments including notebook and tablet PCs reached 64.4 million units in Q2. That is 10% growth rate from Q1 2011 and 28% growth compared to 2010.

“Preliminary results show a second consecutive quarter of Y/Y shipment growth rate decline,” said Richard Shim, Senior Analyst for DisplaySearch. “While part of the Y/Y decline can be attributed to a strong first half of 2010, the rising tablet PC shipment growth rate begins to point to notebook PC shipment cannibalization.”

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