AT&T Prepares to Pwn Tethering Jailbreakers

From DailyTech: As promised, AT&T, Inc. (T) has begun to crack down on those who tether illegally on unlimited plans. But some customers hope that new apps may hide them from the company's purge.

The issue began last June when AT&T scrapped its $30 USD/month unlimited smartphone data plan. In its place the company installed a cheaper plan -- $25 USD/month -- but with tiers/caps. With the new plan you only got 2 GB of data, and had no option to purchase "unlimited" data. AT&T also slapped on a $20 USD/month tethering fee.

AT&T softened the blow, with a grandfather clause for current customers, allowing them to enjoy unlimited data at their previous rate.

That move allowed some iPhone customers to jailbreak their phones and buy apps like the MyWi app, which allows for USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi tethering for a one-time fee of $19.99.

In January, AT&T caught wind of this and issued an ultimatum to illicit tetherers on grandfathered unlimited plans, saying it would find them out and punish them. Now it has revealed details on those punishments, which are set to begin briefly.

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