Samsung SUR40 Surface 2.0 Ships this Month

From DailyTech: We have been following Microsoft Surface for a long time now. Many geeks were excited when Surface 2.0 turned up and then went up for pre-sale. The price is certainly enough to make normal geeks cringe, but for corporations or places like hotels and convention centers, the pre-order price tag of $8,400 might have been appealing.

The SUR40 surface device that went up for pre-order in November is now shipping. Samsung is showing off the SUR40 device at the National retailers Federation conference 2012. This device also won an Innovations Award at CES this year.

“Both retailers and consumers are adapting to ever-evolving ways of interacting with information and merchandise and have expressed a desire for technology that delivers information in an engaging and visually dynamic way,” said Todd Bouman, vice president of product marketing for Samsung Electronics America, Enterprise Business Division. “With the availability of the Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface, Samsung is energizing the retail space and anticipates an all-new approach to customer engagement.”

The SUR40 is 4-inches thick and has collaborative multi-touch technology inside the color screen. The SUR40 device will accept 50 points of touch at one time. It measures 40-inches, has a resolution of 1920 x 1080, and uses one of the largest chunks of Gorilla Glass in the market.

The device has integrated sound and can be connected to accessories like bar code scanners, cameras, and printers using WiFi. Samsung also makes the table able to survive spills and external shocks. Shipments to customers will start this month with pricing for the display only still at $8,400 and pricing for the SUR40 and the table top stand will be $9,049. Pricing for other countries will be announced later.

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