New iOS Jailbreak Attracts Nearly 1 Million Users

From PC World: About one million people have jailbroken their iPad 2 and iPhone 4S devices since Friday thanks to a recently released untethered jailbreak. The jailbreak is designed for iOS devices with Apple's dual-core A5 chip and running iOS 5 or iOS 5.0.1. More than 950,000 A5 untethered jailbreak devices visited Cydia, the iOS "app store" for jailbroken devices, between Friday and Monday afternoon, according to a post on the Dev-Team blog. The Cydia app is the most popular method for jailbroken iOS devices to download apps and tweaks.

An untethered jailbreak means that a jailbroken device can retain its jailbreak exploit without having to be connected to a PC during a reboot. This is important as jailbroken devices sometimes require rebooting to finish installing new features.

The new jailbreak, dubbed Absinthe and part of the Chronic Dev Team's GreenPois0n jailbreak tool, arrives about 10 months after the first A5 device, the iPad 2, hit store shelves. Hackers found the A5 a particularly tough nut to crack, so the Dev-Team, creators of ultrasn0w, and Chronic Dev Team joined forces to create a user-friendly jailbreak. "The ridiculously complex combination of exploits-within-exploits that make this iOS jailbreak possible have consumed thousands of hours of brain power and effort," the Chronic team said Friday.

Hackers may have had a hard time getting this jailbreak done, but based on the latest tutorials published to the website iClarified the new Absinthe jailbreak is as easy to use as previous jailbreak tools. All you have to do is download the jailbreak software from, plug in your iOS 5 device to your PC via USB (making sure to remove any pass codes or VPN settings) and then follow Absinthe's onscreen instructions.

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