Nvidia Teases with New GeForce Product: It Is Coming

From X-bit Labs: Nvidia Corp. has posted a teaser on its GeForce fan page at Facebook claiming that a new product is incoming. The picture does not give any actual details about the product, but points to an important new product incoming in a month or less.

The picture published at GeForce Facebook page looks like a box with exhaust aperture for hot air, or a graphics card with exhaust openings facing upwards, or a backside of a graphics board with inlets for cold air and an Nvidia logotype placed incorrectly. The design of such graphics card would not match that of the GeForce GTX 680 graphics board unveiled recently.

While Nvidia does not reveal details about the upcoming GeForce product, there are three possibilities: dual-chip GeForce GTX 680/GK104 graphics card, GeForce GTX 670 model, single-chip GeForce GK110 graphics board, or an external graphics box for notebooks.

Keeping in mind the fact that Intel Corp. is releasing highly-anticipated Core i7- and Core i5-3000-series "Ivy Bridge" central processing units for desktops and high-end notebooks in late April, it makes a lot of sense for both Advanced Micro Devices and Nvidia to release their high-end graphics solutions at around the same timeframe.

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