Need Your Kids to Focus? Comcast Xfinity Expands Wi-Fi Control Tools

From PC Mag: Are your kids online too much? If so, Comcast's Xfinity broadband service is introducing a new feature to help parents better control when their children can access the web on their various electronic devices.

Comcast is rolling out a new "Downtime Scheduling" mode for the Xfinity xFi service, which lets customers control Wi-Fi access in their homes. Although kids will hate it, the new tool promises to help parents eliminate distractions during dinner, homework time, or upcoming holiday engagements.

"Parents can now set up 30 different screen time schedules per profile, so all the devices a child uses—including tablets, smartphones or gaming consoles—can be paused during family holiday activities, or daily routines like homework, instrument practice, family game night, and more," the company said in today's announcement.

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