FCC Revokes Authorization of More Chinese Telecom Providers

From CNET: The Federal Communications Commission banned two more Chinese-owned telecommunication companies from operating in the US market, as it continues to be wary that companies with ties to the Chinese government could pose national security threats.

In a 4-0 vote on Wednesday, the agency barred Pacific Networks and its wholly owned subsidiary ComNet from providing domestic and international service to customers in the US. The move is the latest in a series of actions the FCC has taken to guard against potential espionage in US communications networks from China. In January, the FCC revoked China Unicom's authorization to operate in the US, and last year did the same for China Telecom Americas. It has also banned gear from telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE.

The agency's vote on Wednesday is part of a greater effort by the US government to crack down on China's role in US telecommunications, amid concerns that equipment or services operated by Chinese companies with close ties to the Chinese government could be used to gather intelligence and spy on Americans.

The move is another indication that President Joe Biden is following a similar hard-line policy toward China to that of his predecessor, President Donald Trump, who also banned 5G wireless technology from Chinese companies.

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