Intel ARC Invades The Dedicated GPU Market With Truly Exciting Features

From Forbes: There was an unexpected moment towards the end of the Intel Arc graphics briefing, punctuated by the distinct absence of something. A moment when the journalists and content creators in attendance collectively realized Intel must have simply forgotten to show its competitive benchmarks against Nvidia and AMD. After all, cherry-picking data points to prove performance dominance is a staple of the CPU and GPU landscape! And having a third competitor officially entering the discrete graphics space that’s been dominated by a duopoly for decades is no small event.

So of course we asked about the omission. A swift and honest response came courtesy of Intel Graphics Product Director Devon Nekechuk.

“We know you’re going to test this product yourselves [and] we know that if we put competitive [charts] in here you’re not going to take our word for it,” Nekechuk said with a knowing smile. “We thought the most important thing was to talk about the experience we offer.”

That was one of many refreshing moments during a 90-minute briefing stuffed with architecture details, some intriguing new alphabet soup to memorize, and genuinely promising hardware and software features.

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