Elon Musk Asks the Audience, and They Tell Him to Step Down as Head of Twitter

From PC Mag: Elon Musk on Sunday publicly polled Twitter users about whether he should step down as head of the social network, and the people have spoken: 57.5% of the 17.5 million accounts that cast votes in his poll said yes, Musk should no longer be in charge of Twitter.

In posting the query, Musk said he would "abide by the results of this poll." He has yet to weigh in on the results this morning. Last night, as the vote leaned toward the "yes" votes, he posted: "As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it."

Some speculated the poll is just a ruse and Musk has already selected a new CEO, as he said he would(Opens in a new window). The fickle billionaire, however, went on to tweet that "No one wants the job who can actually keep Twitter alive. There is no successor."

The company, which no longer has a communications department after mass layoffs and terminations over the last two months, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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