Adobe Premiere Pro can now automatically remove your ‘ums’ and background noise

From The Verge: Adobe is introducing some new AI and 3D features in beta for Premiere Pro, After Effects, and — its popular suite of video and audio editing applications that are designed to improve workflow and speed up time-intensive tasks.

To start, Premiere Pro is adding an AI-powered Enhance Speech feature that Adobe claims can make poorly recorded dialogue sound like “it was recorded in a professional studio.” Enhance Speech automatically removes background noise and provides Premiere Pro users with a mix slider to customize how much of it they’d like to incorporate in their projects. A new Audio Category Tagging feature is also available that automatically flags clips that contain dialogue, music, and sound effects or ambient noise.

Meanwhile, Premier Pro’s Text-Based Editing tool, which was added earlier this year, now includes filler word detection to automatically identify and remove unnecessary pauses, “ums,” and “uhs” from both the dialogue and transcription. Other updates for Premiere Pro include a faster timeline for more responsive editing, improvements to automatic tone mapping, and new project templates to help creatives quickly start new tasks.

After Effects is adding a true 3D workspace for VFX and motion graphics projects that supports native 3D model imports. Image-based lighting places models into a scene with realistic lighting and shadows, and editing effects that reference other layers like displacement map, vector blur, or calculations can use a 3D model layer as a source. The popular Roto Brush tool that automatically selects moving objects has also been upgraded to more easily separate hard-to-isolate objects like overlapping limbs and hair.

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