California Governor Vetoes AI Safety Bill for Only Targeting Large Models

From PC Mag: California Governor Gavin Newsom on Sunday vetoed an AI safety bill that targeted OpenAI, Google, and the many large AI companies based in the region.

The Golden State is home to 32 of the top 50 AI companies, Newsom says in his veto message, citing a Forbes list. Focusing on companies that have reached a certain size could stifle innovation while leaving the threats presented by smaller models unaddressed, he says.

"By focusing only on the most expensive and large-scale models, [bill] SB 1047 establishes a regulatory framework that could give the public a false sense of security about controlling this fast-moving technology," Newsom says. "Smaller, specialized models may emerge as equally or even more dangerous."

The bill would have required large companies to “perform basic safety testing on massively powerful AI models," says California State Sen. Scott Wiener, the bill's sponsor. Startups were not covered by the bill.

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