DeepCool LD360 Review (Page 4 of 4)

Page 4 - Conclusion

The DeepCool LD360 is a large AIO water cooler that delivers from opening the box to operating it in my PC. In short, there is much to like about this product. The build quality is good with the right materials chosen for the right purposes. The braided tubing provides a clean final look and helps to give a premium feel to the cooler, and the Velcro straps are appreciated to provide some tube management to something that is generally hard to manage. There is a fan cable included that connects all three fans to one 4-pin header for convenience. The seven-segment display on the pump provides CPU power consumption, temperature, and load monitoring data, which looks good and is functional. The ARGB LEDs on the block and the fans to give it the eye candy we have come to expect in 2024. As for cooling performance, the LD360 did very well, which is expected for a 360mm AIO water cooler. For areas of improvement, similar to the DeepCool Mystique 360, the LD360's fans are loud during operation, although I did not have grating noise issues with the pump. This fan cable was slightly too short to comfortably connect all three fans. I had to stretch the connection at the fan side, which means the connection is constantly being pulled on. On the CPU block end, it would have been great to see a small thermal paste tube included for future installations, and to have less pre-applied thermal paste on the first go around. The DeepCool LD360 comes in at $120 USD, which is a fair price for the number of features included. Often when a screen is involved on a cooler, the price is a bit higher. In this case, the LD360 is on par or marginally more expensive than other coolers with ARGB LED capability of the same size, making it a competitive choice for a 360mm AIO water cooler.

DeepCool provided this product to APH Networks for the purpose of evaluation.

APH Networks Review Focus Summary:
7/10 means Great product with many advantages and certain insignificant drawbacks, but should be considered before purchasing.
6/10 means A product with its advantages, but drawbacks should not be ignored before purchasing.
-- Final APH Networks Numeric Rating is 6.9/10
Please note that the APH Networks Numeric Rating system is based off our proprietary guidelines in the Review Focus, and should not be compared to other publications.

The DeepCool LD360 is a feature-packed 360mm AIO liquid cooler that delivers solid cooling performance at a reasonable price at the expense of noise.

Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. Physical Look - Hardware; Installation
3. Test Results
4. Conclusion