Philips Upbeat True Wireless SHB2505 Review (Page 4 of 4)

Page 4 - Conclusion

If Philips is a legacy manufacturer that makes value products for the general consumer and the Upbeat True Wireless SHB2505 is a pair of true wireless earphones for the masses, does it mean they will be permanently relegated to the discount section of Wal-Mart's electronics department? I cannot speak for Philips' marketing strategy in the near future, but regardless of where these earphones will end up, the only thing I can say is they are actually pretty good. The sound quality is surprisingly good with quality bass, midrange, and treble; combined with a fair frequency distribution and generally clean output makes them a great bang for your buck. The battery life falls right in line with the competition with a tested battery life of 2 hours 42 minutes at 50% volume. The wireless range is awesome, and I noticed no significant lag or any wireless inconsistencies at all. There are a few key areas where I believe Philips could improve upon. Firstly, the SHB2505 has poor soundstaging. Increasing the width and depth of the soundstage will dramatically improve user experience. Secondly, add aptX and AAC support. Thirdly, improve the fit for a better seal, since they can get unsealed even though it has never come anywhere close to falling out. Lastly, change the charging port on the case to USB Type-C. If they could also improve the microphone, that will be great, although at this point it may more be of a physical limitation. With all these in mind, for about $90 at press time, the Philips Upbeat True Wireless SHB2505 really gives you a lot of earphones for your money. If you are looking for something that is true wireless and actually sounds pretty good without breaking the bank, it is hard to do much better than these.

Philips provided this product to APH Networks for the purpose of evaluation.

APH equal.balance Award | APH Review Focus Summary:
7/10 means Great product with many advantages and certain insignificant drawbacks; but should be considered before purchasing.
-- Final APH Numeric Rating is 7.0/10
Please note that the APH Numeric Rating system is based off our proprietary guidelines in the Review Focus, and should not be compared to other sites.

The Philips Upbeat True Wireless SHB2505 are surprisingly good sounding true wireless earphones on a budget.

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Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. Physical Look - Hardware
3. Subjective Audio Analysis
4. Conclusion