Toshiba announces new network storage device for consumers

From PC World: The cloud, it would seem, is passé. All the cool kids are now backing up their devices to—and streaming media from—personal storage devices that are connected to the cloud, but physically located securely at home. Toshiba joined that crowd today, announcing its new Canvio Home Backup...

Samsung Slashes $125 Off International Galaxy Gear Prices

From DailyTech: Launched last year, Samsung Electronics Comp., Ltd.'s (KRX:005935) (KRX:005930) Galaxy Gear saw a high price ($299 USD) and mixed reviews. Sales were okay, but not great, and many questioned whether smartwatches were truly "the next big thing" as some had suggested.

Samsung, which...

China Bets on Homegrown OS

From EETimes: A recently announced operating system in China could have disruptive influences felt worldwide. Developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai-based Liantong Network Communications Technology, the China Operating System (COS) is designed for use in smartphones, tablets, TV...

Windows 8.1 Update 1 leak: More changes for Start screen, desktop

From PC World: Following weeks of speculation and rumors, a purported early build of Update 1 for Windows 8.1 has leaked online and available on a number of file sharing sites. The download reveals a lot of the features we’ve been hearing about since Update 1 screenshots started appearing. The...

U.S. Treasury Goes Easy on the Bitcoin

From DailyTech: Bitcoins are a popular decentralized digital "cryptocurrency", an encryption-based form of virtual currency. Based on proof-of-work on the SHA-256d hash, the digital payment form pioneered the field for later cryptocurrency, when it was launched by a programmer or group of...

ADATA DashDrive HV620 1TB Review (Page 1 of 8)

My Engineering Economics professor once said people are basically illogical when it comes to the value of money. For example, while most people will be willing to go half a mile to a nearby store to save $5 on a $10 box of chocolate, the same person will not bother heading next door to save $5 on a $2000 piece of furniture. Yes, the first scenario indicates a massive 50% variance, while the latter represents a miniscule 0.25% savings -- but what...

ARM Raises Server Spec

From EETimes: IP processor core company ARM is launching a new Server Base System Architecture Specification, as the first 64-bit server chips based on its designs begin sampling.

Although the company has painted a rather vague picture of the details of the specification, the announcement is...

AMD Soft Launches Its First ARM Server Chips

From DailyTech: At its fifth annual Open Compute Summit in San Jose, Calif., the world's second-largest PC and server processor-maker, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD), has announced the start of a crucial transition. It announced the sampling of the Opteron A1100 Series processor and an...

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