Sun plans on-chip security boost for Ultrasparc

From InfoWorld: Sun Microsystems' product plans are up in the air pending its acquisition by Oracle, but the company's chip engineers continue to present new designs in the hope they'll see the light of day.

At the Hot Chips conference at Stanford University on Tuesday, Sun...

Microsoft Apologizes for Racially Charged Image Alteration

From PC World: Microsoft apologized Wednesday after a Polish version of the company's ad had a black man's head replaced with the head of a white man. The image alteration of the picture was making rounds on the forums last night and Microsoft pulled the picture today.

The edit of...

New Sins of a Solar Empire Expansion Revealed

From PC World: The big-'n-splashy reveal should happen at Penny Arcade Expo, but Stardock's already teasing a new expansion for its gi-normous real-time strategy game Sins of a Solar Empire. It's dubbed Sins of a Solar Empire: Diplomacy, and Stardock prez Brad Wardell calls it a...

Amazon introduces Virtual Private Cloud service

From CNET On the third anniversary of its Elastic Compute Cloud launch, Amazon Web Services late Tuesday announced a new service, the Virtual Private Cloud.

Targeted at customers with existing IT investments, the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service provides a way for...

'Arrandale' chip will be an Intel laptop first

From CNET Intel's upcoming "Arrandale" will be the first highly integrated chip of its kind from Intel and is expected to run the gamut of laptop designs, from ultrathin to mainstream.

Due by the fourth quarter, it will be the first Intel product to put two processor cores...

PS3 Slim Still a Money Loser for Sony

From DailyTech: Sony unveiled the new PS3 Slim officially last week at Gamescom in Germany. The new console was officially announced after months of speculation swirling about not only the slimmer PS3, but a price cut as well. Thankfully, both the price cut and new PS3 console became...

Analysts Expect Microsoft to Introduce Xbox 360 Slim Version

From X-bit Labs: Microsoft Corp. may release a slimmer version of its Xbox 360 game console in 2010 to attract new customers to the platform, many analysts said. Besides introduction of slimmer version, Microsoft should also make its gaming platform more affordable in order to retain...

Asustek's Android Eee PC remains in deep freeze

From InfoWorld: The CEO of netbook pioneer Asustek Computer said Tuesday that he still sees no clear market for mini-laptops known as smartbooks, the reason the company isn't moving forward in that product segment.

The company raised hopes it would soon launch an Eee PC smartbook...

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