OCZ’s OLED Keyboard Now Available for $135 - $179

From X-bit Labs: OCZ Technology’s Sabre keyboard with nine programmable keys with OLED screens inside. Apparently, OCZ’s keyboard is much more affordable compared to a similar device from United Keys – OCZ Sabre is available for $135 or $179, depending on the store, the price of a...

PC makers less upbeat than Google about Chrome OS

From InfoWorld: Most of the PC vendors Google listed on its blog as partners for the new Chrome OS say they're evaluating the software but have not committed to creating devices around it, a far less upbeat message than Google had portrayed.

"We are studying Chrome," said Hewlett...

Google Chrome OS Shows Limitations of Android

From PC World: Google's decision to create a new Internet-centric OS for netbooks shows the limitations of the Android mobile OS for netbooks and raises questions about its future on those devices, developers and analysts said.

While Google is adamant that Chrome OS is a separate...

Sprint outsources network to Ericsson

From CNET News.com: Sprint Nextel will outsource its network to Ericsson in a seven-year deal valued at $4.5 billion to $5 billion.

The deal, announced Thursday, allows Sprint to offload the costs associated with running its network. Sprint will transfer 6,000 employees to Ericsson...

Microsoft's Office head talks Google and more

From CNET News.com: Microsoft will bow to reality with Office 2010, adding browser-based versions of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and OneNote. But, in an interview this week, the head of Microsoft's Business Division says that there is still plenty of life in the full version.

"At the...

AT&T Fires Back Against Antitrust Criticism

From DailyTech: AT&T has fired back against government criticism, led by Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.), which says the current wireless industry in the United States is anti-competitive and bad for consumers.

"The popularity of the iPhone and its innovative features and applications has...

What Chrome OS has on Windows that Linux doesn't

From CNET News.com: Google's Chrome OS isn't the first operating system to challenge Microsoft Windows' commanding lead. But it's got an advantage that other rivals such as Linux lacked: the Web.

Any new operating system must attract the developers who produce the applications to...

DirectX targeted in Microsoft security updates

From CNET News.com: Microsoft said on Thursday that it will issue six security updates on Patch Tuesday next week, including a critical one that will fix two outstanding holes in DirectX that have been targeted in attacks.

In May, Microsoft announced that there had been attacks...

Google image search gets usage rights filtering

From CNET News.com: In an effort to keep people from incorrectly reusing or repurposing images found on its image search tool, Google has added new options that let users filter results by usage rights. Users can now filter photos by whether they're available for reuse, commercial...

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