Windows 7 "Great For Games," But What About GFW Live?

From PC World: Let's level set. In terms of raw frames per second, games actually perform on par with Vista, so no, we're not talking a return to Windows XP days. But speaking toward general performance, from the time it takes the operating system to be functionally accessible after...

Microsoft wants refund from some laid-off workers

From CNET Microsoft says it made an accounting error when it laid off some employees last month and now feels the best way to correct the error is with what will likely add up to a public relations blunder.

The software giant, which recently laid off 1,400 employees, sent...

Leaked Image Believed to be New Mac Mini

From DailyTech: The lowest priced computer in the Apple lineup is also the smallest Mac in the line and it's called the Mac mini. The mini looks much like a thicker Apple TV and crams all the Mac goodness that a person looking for inside the tiny case.

The Mac mini has been living...

Dell Mini 10 Officially Unveiled

From DailyTech: The netbook market is booming despite many claims that netbooks are cannibalizing sales of more profitable notebook computers. All the major computer makers including Dell, HP, and Lenovo are offering netbooks with the only major holdout being Apple.

When Dell...

Asustek to Make Google Android Netbook, Says Report

From PC World: Google's Android OS continues to extend its tentacles deeper into Microsoft territory. Two weeks ago Archos announced plans to roll out an Android-based tablet phone later this year, and now netbook-pioneer Asustek says it may install Android on an upcoming, low-cost...

Microsoft Readies Vista Update

From PC World: Microsoft has released an almost final version of Vista Service Pack 2 to its testing community.

The release candidate of Vista SP2 is not yet publicly available, but judging by past releases you may not have to wait too long before the official update ships....

Twitter search gains prominence, importance

From CNET Twitter is working to convert its popularity into a business, and Google has shown that search can make money. So it's notable that Twitter is giving its search function new prominence.

Rather than consigning its Twitter search page to a separate corner of its...

Adobe Flaw Heightens Risk of Encountering Malicious PDFs

From PC World: Security companies are warning of a new flaw in two Adobe Systems programs that could compromise a PC merely by opening a malicious PDF (Portable Document Format) file.

Hackers are exploiting the flaw in the wild, although attacks are not widespread yet, according to...

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