Microsoft closing the book on Encarta

From CNET Microsoft has quietly confirmed that it is getting out of the encyclopedia business, ending its long-standing Encarta product.

As noted by Ars Technica, the software maker says it will discontinue all its online Encarta products by October, with the exception of...

Microsoft drops plan to charge for WinMo updates

From CNET Microsoft has backed off plans to charge Windows Mobile developers $99 for submitting even minor updates to their applications.

Last week, Microsoft said that unless developers submitted updates to their applications within 7 days of their release, the company...

Nvidia Threats It Could Ban Larrabee from Entering the Market

From X-bit Labs: Nvidia Corp. claims that it could terminate its cross-licensing agreement with Intel Corp., which would prevent the latter from launching its first discrete graphics processor in ten years. Besides, claims Nvidia, Intel utilizes Nvidia’s intellectual property in...

Google Expands Free Music Downloads in China

From InfoWorld: Google has expanded the free music downloads it offers in China to include songs by artists from each of the big four U.S. record labels, an addition that could help it win users from dominant Chinese search engine Baidu.

Google launched its free music download...

Intel's Nehalem chip comes to servers

From PC World: Intel's Nehalem-architecture chips will now try to make their mark in servers, after debuting in desktops last November.

On Monday, Intel is rolling out new Nehalem-based Xeon models targeted at servers using up to two processors. Nehalem offers some important firsts...

Microsoft Concerned Amazon, Google Hosting Not "Open" Enough

From CNET Microsoft is taking a sudden interest in "openness" that is having some scratch their heads. Following its foray into the open document world, Microsoft is now calling for an open cloud computing standard.

The cry to arms strikes many as strange as Microsoft...

Report: Intel Refreshing Notebook Chips Today

From Tom's Hardware: Intel is set to launch a handful of new chips later today, according to CNet. The new chips will be targeted squarely at ultra portable notebooks -- no, not netbooks, but rather in the class of the MacBook Air, Voodoo Envy and the Dell Adamo.

It’s unfortunate...

Windows 7 Gets Touchy With New Logo Program

From Tom's Hardware: The next Windows logo sticker to join the collection will be an important one, however, as it will certify a very important hardware requirement -- the ability to feel touch.

Windows 7 will bring with it full touch support of that not yet seen before in any...

Nvidia Readies New Version of Dual-Chip Flagship Product

From X-bit Labs: Nvidia Corp. is reportedly designing a new version of its dual-chip GeForce GTX 295 graphics card that features only one print circuit board (PCB). While redesigning a flagship offering with short life-cycle is a questionable tactics, the new PCB may be used not only...

Globalfoundries Aim at Leading Edge Customers – Chief Exec

From X-bit Labs: Globalfoundries, a manufacturing joint venture between Advanced Micro Devices and Advocated Technology Investment Company, claims that initially it would only target leading-edge customers with maximum requirements. Problem for the Globalfoundries is that it hardly...

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