Sony Hopes to Cast a Spell on Gamers With $400 PS3 Move Pack, 3D Gaming

From DailyTech: Microsoft is offering Kinect for the Xbox 360 in November. It is expected to be priced under $150, which means that with an Xbox 360 Arcade Edition (which dropped in price to $150) you will be likely to get a holiday motion bundle for under $300. The Nintendo Wii is, of course, currently available for $199, with Wiimote and Wii Motion Plus.

Sony is making a dangerous bet with its own motion gaming system that gamers are willing to pay more than Microsoft or Nintendo's prices to get what it feels is a superior experience. At its E3 2010 keynote today, the company upset some in the audience by announcing that its Playstation 3 Motion Bundle would retail for $400. Except, that's not all -- the bundle only includes the PS3 Eye Camera ($34.99, currently available) and Move Controller ($49.99) (it also comes with a sports game). It does not include the PS3 Navigation controller, a necessary part of the "Move" experience. Gamers will have to pick that up separately for $29.99.

Reaction to the high price point was instant. Some in the crowd began booing and at least one person screamed "Too much!!" at the presenter.

Still Sony seems confident that customers will bite on the high-end offer. Among the exclusive titles it showed off was Tiger Woods PGA Tour, which featured ultra-realistic golf motions. If you're eager to become Tiger Woods and attempt some slick moves, Sony reminds us that it's all in the "flick of your wrists" and that power is very important as well.

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