Microsoft Projected to Bundle Natal Motion Sensor with Xbox 360 Later This Year

From X-bit Labs: In an attempt to maximize attractiveness of its video game systems and popularize yet unreleased motion sensor known as Natal, Microsoft Corp. is projected to bundle the latter with the forthcoming slim version of Xbox 360, an analyst said.

“At a minimum, we anticipate the introduction of a more feature-packed Xbox 360 as the standard SKU in late 2010 (likely with a 250GB hard drive) at the same $299 price point. It is far more likely that we will see a slim version of the Xbox 360 with a 250GB hard drive and with Project Natal bundled into the box while maintaining the $299 price point,” said Michael Pachter, an analyst with Wedbush Morgan, reports CVG.

At present Microsoft sells Xbox 360 Elite game console bundle that includes 120GB hard drive along with multitude of additional accessories. However, keeping in mind that those accessories and hard drives do not cost a lot and that Xbox 360 slim will cost less than the current version of the console, the company may indeed add Natal motion sensor, which is also projected to be inexpensive, into the package.

Inclusion of Natal motion sensor into Xbox 360 Elite box will help Microsoft to keep sales of the unit on high level and will catalyze certain amount of Xbox 360 Arcade owners to upgrade, which would ensure that there will be more Natal controllers installed compared to the situation if Microsoft had decided to only sell Natal separately.

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